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Subscription to the Total Management System

This is not where you pay for your AI Agent. This is simply the software that you use to manage and integrate with your AI Agent. This wonderful system gives you a place where you can holistically look at your business and how it works. It is how we give your AI Agent the ability to see where you can improve your organization. This system alone is revolutionary yet adding in the AI Agent will set you up for success in the race to use AI.

We go over pricing in the ‘How it works Video’ on this page but the long and short of it is that we have a ‘Total Management System’ – software that anyone (including us internally) use to interact with our AI Agent(s). That software is going to be $1000/m after our Beta Testing is over. You get it for the Pre-Beta test or Beta Test price – depending on when you get started. Watch the video to get the discount code. 

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